Thursday, June 4, 2009

Baseball Yr Already Over

Carson's team started out in the bottom of the league for the beginning of the season but improved so much from the mid way to the later part of the season. They finished in the middle of the league. Carson played pitcher every inning this year, and he improved so much as well. He only had one fly ball that hit him in the face once. He hit fourth on the batting line up and did a great job! He finally figured out what base to run people down and when to throw it to first base. He always would tag the person out and touch the base both just to make sure they were out. Carson had some innings where he got all three outs by himself. We have had some to talk to us about picking Carson up next year on their team. For the youngest person on the teams, Carson did an outstanding job! He was disappointed to see the year end. Here are some pics of the last game.

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

Go Carson!!! Thats great that he is doing so good!