Sunday, August 23, 2009

Unitl then......

When I found out I was pregnant with twins many years ago, I designed a plan that would allow me to stay at home part of the time and teach part of the time. I didn't want to stop what I LOVED doing but wanted to spend quality time with my children. I began preparing and creating this "job share" plan and pitched it to quite a few people which many thought I was crazy (the only ones that mattered believed in me). The essential part of the plan was to find the "perfect match" that would shadow me the days that I didn't work. Through prayers and word of mouth, Ms. Nancy and I found each other. You have to understand that I know I am not the easiest person to work with..I am a little strong willed, determined, and like to overachieve. I knew that Ms. Nancy was a God designed perfect match from the start. She and I fit. She was a mastermind with my weaknesses. Ms. Nancy and I worked together "sharing" one classroom for 4 years. Ms. Nancy went home to be with the Lord last night, and I want to say a few words to CELEBRATE her remarkable life. Ms. Nancy was a woman of kindness. She never spoke a harsh word about anyone...students, teachers, administration. She always looked at the positive side of everyone. Ms. Nancy was an encourager. She would always encourage me just right at the exact moment when I needed encouragement. I received a card from her in May that said this to me, "I have taught with many teachers in my day, but not as many teachers who ARE the role...thank you for all that I have learned from you for you truly are the role of teacher." What a true MENTOR Ms. Nancy truly was to me! She never forgot my birthdays, my kids birthday, or any holiday just to show kindness and appreciation. She will be missed in the education realm as well as the personal realm, but know that she had a life truly worth celebrating. And I can't wait to tell her more "school stories" when I see her again. Unitl then Ms. Nancy......


shanie said...

Sweet post, Ashley. I'm sorry for the loss of your friend. Have a good week!

Emily said...

So sorry to hear about the loss of Mrs. Nancy. She sounds like an awesome lady. I know you and her students will miss her. You and her family are in my prayers.

The Polks said...

Sorry to hear about your loss. Sounds like she was a great lady!

It was so good to see you Sunday!
