Tuesday, April 8, 2008


Of course my life is always crazy. Does it ever settle down? I left early this morning to take the kids to preschool and check out my test booklets for my homeroom for day one of state testing. Shew! I was exhausted and the day had not even started. My friend, Melissa, called yesterday evening to tell me that her husband had a heart attack and was going to have double bypass surgery. I was shocked! He is a well fit 55 year old man. Melissa and I went on an adventurous trip to Toronto, Canada last May. I have a lot of respect and admiration for Melissa. When I started feeling overwhelmed today about my slam packed schedule, I immediately thought of Melissa and Bill and what they were going through. I need to stop sometimes and just put things in to perspective. Please remember the Charles family in your prayers the next few days. God is in control.

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

You are right to remind yourself that God is in control! He had to give me a not so gentle reminder!!!
But you are right, sometimes we have to slow down and realize that our life isn't so bad, no matter how busy it might be!
See you tomorrow!