Friday, April 11, 2008

Dolly Parton

Yesterday was a beautiful day. The kids, both of my grandmas, and I enjoyed a flawless day at Dollywood. Taylor and Carson enjoyed the rides and a few shows. I enjoyed the 1 1/2 nap that the kids took in their stroller. I could not make it without that thing. I love it! One of Carson and Taylor's favorite rides is the old time cars. Dollywood has always let me take them both in one car and exchange drivers after the lap; but they have changed policy this year and made me stand in line again to let the other kid drive. Frustrating! As we were leaving after a tiring day at Dollywood, we needed to make one last stop at the restrooms before loading up. We always go to this "dead" area in Dollywood to use the restroom because no one knows about it. We thought things were strange because these ladies were taking these flowered plants to this new tour bus that is part of Dolly's museum. We were walking by the bus when lo and behold Dolly comes walking by. We were a couple feet from her with no one else standing in front of us. It was a good time! She waved and spoke a little but hurried on to a building. Taylor and Carson were waving screaming "Dolly"....probably because that is what I was doing. Taylor took her baby doll named "Molly" and kept holding it up for Dolly to see it. Not sure why Taylor was doing that, but it was funny. It was a good day at Dollywood. Taylor and Carson were wanting to ride the water rides (River Rampage and Log Ride) but I wasn't ready for that just yet. It has to be summer for me to do that. Another full day of memories at Dollywood.

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