Sunday, March 16, 2008

Upcoming 13 mile marathon

Tennessee didn't get the ONE seed like I had hoped for in the NCAA tourny, but we are excited about the TWO seed. We are hoping to see the Vols in Charlotte in a couple of weeks. I was thrilled for the Georgia Bulldog fans today. It was hard not to be excited for them. What an accomplishment...winning 4 SEC games in 3 days. Wow! It is exciting to see 6 SEC teams in the NCAA brackets (MS State, Georgia, Kentucky, Tennessee, Arkansas, and Vandy). I can't wait to fill out my bracket tomorrow. Good luck to all the SEC teams. I love March Madness!!!!

2 weeks and counting until Carson, Taylor and myself watch Adam cross the finish line at Neyland Stadium. He is running the 13 mile marathon that day. Taylor and I were outside today (Carson was still asleep) when we saw Adam running on the walking trail behind us. Taylor was cheering him on and waving so proudly. We went to the front sidewalk when he reached us. He had ran 11 miles in an hour and forty minutes. Carson got up from his nap and saw Adam in his running gear. He immediately was trying to get Adam to go running again but push him in the jogging stroller. Adam quickly discouraged that for sure. By the way, Adam loves his Nike chip for his tennis shoes and ipod. It keeps up with his miles and times. If you are a runner, he strongly recommends it. Look for pictures to come later of the race.

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